Eye Care - Bayer - Nuestras marcas - Outlet

Browse MiFarma's wide range of optical products: glasses, saline solution, eye drops, and more. Top brands at the best price. Shop now!

To talk about Bayer is to refer to one of the big pharmacies around the world. It's capacity for innovation and the creation of solutions for different medical, therapeutic and health problems have made this multinational a benchmark in its sector. The list of Bayer products that we can acquire nowadays in pharmacies and parapharmacies is really endless, and includes treatments for very diverse pathologies.

Bayer products are designed to improve our life quality and treat dermatological problems, headaches and general discomfort.. Who has not ever taken an aspirin? Undoubtedly, it is one of the most popular medicines of this brand, which even currently has several versions.

Likewise, Bayer is responsible of multivitamins as well known asBerocca or Supradyn. It also offers intimate hygiene products and even veterinary treatments for pets, to name a few of its many ranges.

Bayer products take care of your health and that of all your loved ones for more than a century, and their laboratories are still working to offer the best therapeutic solutions. All a guarantee of future for the integral well-being of generations.

At MiFarma you will find the products of this and other brands at the best price. In addition, you can now request your treatments comfortably from home, without having to wait or stand in queue. Place your order today and get free shipping.