Face Masks & Coverings - ACM - Mifarma Days

Discover the catalog of products available at Mifarma you will find surgical, hygienic, FFP1, FFP2, FFP3, with valve, without valve, fabric, children's, reusable masks... Without a doubt, the best protection against coronavirus, Covid-19, others viruses, microbes and diseases. Browse through our catalog to find different types, models and colors.

In this section of our pharmacy we have made a selection of respiratory masks to protect you against external agents, diseases, bacteria and viruses such as covid-19. Among the wide catalog of products that we offer you can find.

It must be borne in mind that a respiratory protection mask, by itself, is not going to be sufficient for proper protection. For this to be effective, we must follow proper hand hygiene and carry out disinfection habits.

What types of respiratory masks can you find in Mifarma?

There are three types of masks in relation to the filtration capacity of the exhaled and inspired air and the faculties they present both to protect the person who wears them and the rest of the population: hygienic, surgical and filtering.

Hygienic or barrier mask

hygienic masks , also known as barrier masks, are those intended for asymptomatic people who are not susceptible to using the filtering or surgical type. In relation to the other two types, they are the most common and the least protected.

In the mifarma catalog you can find two classes and of various colors, pink, white, black:

  • Not reusable: these are manufactured for single use.
  • Reusable: they can be reused after a correct washing and drying in relation to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Surgical mask

They offer a greater protection barrier compared to the previous ones. As their name indicates, they are those used by health professionals in order to protect the patient from any infectious process coming from the mouth or nasal cavities. surgical masks are being used in the fight against Covid-19 as they prevent the emission of drops when coughing or sneezing. There are three types according to their effectiveness, one of the most sought after in the catalog is type IIR.

Filtering mask or Epis

Or also known as autofiltrants, they are the ones with the greatest protection since they present a filter with microparticles that prevent the inhalation of pollutants present in the environment. The most sought after are the FFP2 masks that are certified with CE marking and are homologated.

According to their degree of protection, they are classified into three groups:

  • FFP1 (particle filter type P1): Aimed at stopping inert particles and are not recommended for medical use. They have a minimum filtration efficiency of 78% and a maximum of 22% internal leakage.
  • FFP2 (Particulate Filter Type P2): Manufactured to be used against aerosols with moderate toxicity. They have a minimum filtration efficiency of 92% and a maximum of 8% leakage to the interior. The KN95 is its equivalent, taking into account the Chinese standard.
  • FFP3 (particle filter type P3): Used against highly toxic aerosols. They have a minimum filtration efficiency of 98% and a maximum of 2% internal leakage.

In the case of FFP2 and FFP3, there are masks with an exhalation valve.

Children's mask

You can also find in our category, children's masks, from the children's masks FFP2 / KN95, colored, with drawings ... Protection against viruses and bacteria is important no matter how old you are.

Proper use of protective masks is essential

When using any type of protective respiratory mask it is essential to follow a procedure, cleaning hands, correct placement to provide successful protection. As well as when storing it, it is important to carry your mask holder . In the same way, we recommend seeing in each product the duration, the duration with which the mask must be changed, as well as the washes that can be given if it is reusable.

ACM laboratorios son especialistas en tratamientos dermatológicos desde hace más de 15 años. La investigación y el trabajo continuo en busca de soluciones innovadoras hacen de esta marca un referente para aquellos que buscan respuestas eficaces y muy específicas ante un problema de salud de la piel o el cabello.

Solucionar las necesidades de los usuarios con productos específicos basados en su experiencia en el mundo de la dermocosmética es el principal objetivo de estos laboratorios.

Los tratamientos de ACM laboratorios

Estos laboratorios cuentan con una gama específica de tratamiento para la hiperpigmentación cutánea. Es decir, para suavizar y eliminar las manchas que aparecen en la piel fruto de la edad, el sol o los cambios hormonales.

Entre los productos de esta gama, podemos destacar Depiwhite Advanced, con acción despigmentante intensiva, y Depiwhite M SPF 50+, que incorpora protección solar para evitar que los rayos UVA afecten aún más la piel. Asimismo, la leche corporal Depiwhite combina sus propiedades hidratantes y nutritivas con un efecto aclarante de las manchas. Está formulada de manera específica para que pueda aplicarse en la piel de todo el cuerpo.

Otro de los productos más valorados de ACM laboratorios es su serum Duolys. Aunque también trata las manchas en la piel hay que tener en cuenta que se puede aplicar a cualquier signo de envejecimiento que pueda presentar la epidermis, como estrías, deshidratación o descolgamientos.

Su fórmula a base de vitamina C y otros principios activos hidratantes es capaz de restaurar la piel y convertirla en más tersa e hidratada. ¡Una verdadero dosis de juventud!

El catálogo de productos de esta marca también incluye, entre otros, la crema Novophane para uñas. Se trata de un novedoso tratamiento para el cuidado de las uñas frágiles y con problemas como la sequedad. También es muy adecuada para personas con carencias dietéticas que acaban afectando a la salud de sus uñas.

En definitiva, el amplio catálogo de tratamientos dermatológicos de ACM laboratorios te ayudará a cuidar tu cabello, piel y uñas con productos de primera calidad que son soluciones realmente innovadoras.