Vaginal dryness products and personal lubricants - Seid - Nuestras marcas - Outlet

Fight vaginal dryness with personal lubricants and moisturising treatments available at MiFarma, and prevent any kind of discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Improving the health of people through the design of innovative and effective products is the main objective of Seid Lab. A company specializing in the area of gynecology and in the care of women.

Here you will find solutions able to satisfy your most feminine needs in a comfortable, easy and effortless way

Seibidion is the ideal food supplement to meet your nutritional requirements before conception , during pregnancy and the lactation . A product rich in DHA, folic acid, iron, Omega 3, vitamins and minerals.

In Seid Lab they also walk in men. For them, you, put at your disposal Seidiferty . A nutritional supplement that will help you improve the mobility of sperm .