Beauty & Skincare Products - Rilastil - Sales

At our Cosmetics and Beauty department, we provide you a wide and varied types of care so you can feel more beautiful both inside and out . Specific accessories and products for each body part to enhance your beauty. Anti-wrinkle, firming creams, serums, exfoliants, mastics, anti-acne, anti-blemishes, eye contour ... Everything you need to be and feel really beautiful without giving up about your health.

You will find a section entirely dedicated to Natural Cosmetics. Products free of parabens, formulated with natural ingredients, that enchant lovers of natural products. At Mifarma, we also think about our male customers . Go directly to the Men department and find out what cosmetics can do for you and for your self-esteem.

Rilastil is the leading cosmetic brand in Italy that distributes Dermofarm in the Spanish market. Its proven quality and prestige treatments focus on body care.

The catalog of treatments of this brand is the result of long and effective research processes to achieve effective solutions to the health and beauty needs of the skin of all its users.

Rilastil products

Highlighting beauty, correcting imperfections and avoiding problems such as excessive dry skin are the three basic objectives of the treatments created by this Italian brand.

Its formulas are enriched with natural ingredients and vitamins to improve its effectiveness.

The brand has several lines of complete treatments but, without a doubt, one of the most popular for its effectiveness is the one designed for the reduction of stretch marks.

Rilastil stretch marks

They appear therefore due to sudden variations in weight and pregnancy, so stretch marks are one of the most common problems we all face.

If you have stretch marks, this brand offers you a specific treatment line for this problem, which works on the skin to make it more elastic, soft and hydrated.

The anti-stretch marks cream is an emollient product with great moisturizing power, which helps the skin to be more elastic.

You can complete the effects of this treatment by also applying other brand products. Elasticity Oil is made with vitamins and vegetable oils to provide extra extra hydration to skins with excess dryness, a factor that can still worsen the problem of stretch marks.

Finally, you can also opt for Anti-stretch ampoules, a much more concentrated treatment and designed to effectively treat more complex stretch marks.

Rilastil helps you take care of the beauty of your body with quality products, specifically designed so that your skin can remain in perfect condition at all times.