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Ladival, sunscreen for people who take care of themselves

The ladival brand specializes in the care of skin with sun protection products. The brand is well known by all for the quality of its products and its different ladival ranges, focused on satisfying, avoiding problems and protecting against radiation and its possible effects. In his more than 25 years of research and experience he has managed to create an effective product catalog and dermatologically tested.

What is the sunscreen for?

It is scientifically proven that the sun improves our mood, is allied and helps to synthesize some vitamins such as vitamin D. In addition, it gives a tan to the skin that in its right measure many people like.

The sun is not only benefits but also, we must take precautions for the possible problems that can cause us.

More and more people are exposed for hours to the sun, without worrying about the consequences that may entail. In the same way, other people look for specific creams without certain substances that are harmful to their skin.

Babies, children or clear skin people, are especially vulnerable to the sun, prolonged sun exposure can cause burns or possible dermatological problems that is why we recommend the use of sunscreen and the entire body. Enjoy the sunny days without worries, using the facial sunscreen according to dermatologists.

4 Tips on how to avoid burning with the sun.

1- It is very important to use a sunscreen of quality and appropriate for different skins and ages.

2- Do not expose yourself to light in the hours of maximum radiation, especially in summer or at high altitudes such as skiing.

3- Putting cream all over your body to protect yourself from ultraviolet rays.

4- Wear a cap and sunglasses.

Why use ladival sunscreens?

Their concern for people is real, looking for you to enjoy the sun without any problem, although we recommend that you do not expose yourself too much especially in hours of greater solar radiation, your products against the sun are tested and strictly regulated by pharmaceutical quality standards.

Solar filters offer a solution against three types of radiation dangerous to your health such as UV-B, UV-A and Infrared-A, protecting the most delicate skin in depth.

Some of the opinions of ladival who have tried it define it as: "Perfect for atopic skin" "We loved it, great results"

Best sunscreen

Take a look at the catalog of MiFarma you will find a selection of the best products of each range that has the brand, specializing in solar creams and sunscreens of Ladival you will find among its products, the item that meets your needs. Take advantage of our discounts and new offers, do not miss the opportunity!

If you plan to go skiing, sunbathing or being exposed for hours in the sun, do not hesitate! Ladival is your trusted companion. From atopic skins and sunscreens for children, through facial protectors, sun creams for athletes, etc.