Neostrata renewal cream 30g

Neostrata renewal cream 30g

Availability: In stock

Anti aging Cream: reduces wrinkles and expression lines.

Regular Price: £44.61

Special Price £33.37


Neostrata renewal 30 g cream

Cream fine antiaging, formulated with a unique combination of Gluconolactone and Retinol to renew and regenerate the skin in depth and with antioxidant activity to prevent the signs of photoaging skin.

Its use helps to reduce wrinkles and lines of expression and improves the texture of the skin leaving it more smooth, luminous and uniform


Photoaging facial for all skin types

Facial flaccidity


Smoker skin

Fine wrinkles, expression lines

How to use:

Apply on clean skin, 1-2 times a day.

Neostrata renewal cream then allows the use of makeup to your application.

A slight stinging is normal in the first applications.

In case of continuous irritation, it must suspend the application


Customer Reviews

Neostrata Review by Mireia
Es la primera vez que uso esta crema y aún es pronto para formarme una opinión con respecto a las propiedades anti-age. La uso como crema de noche debido a que es algo grasa y de día me provacaría brillos (tengo la piel mixta pero la zona T produce mucha grasa). (Posted on 21/12/2016)
deja la piel suave Review by beatriz
al igual que la crema ultra hidratante para pieles sensibles me deja la piel suave y bien hidratada e incluso noto los poros más cerrados, pica un poco al principio pero se tolera facilmente (Posted on 27/03/2016)