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Levedol is a specially designed supplement to treat endometriosis-related problems.


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Levedol is a nutritional supplement that contains N-acetyl cysteine, alpha lipoic acid, Bromelain, and Zinc, particularly suitable to treat problems related to endometriosis, which affects to about one per cent of women in reproductive age.

This complement to combat the effects of endometriosis, reduces pelvic pain, inflammation and bleeding.

Its formulation is now in capsules with DRcaps technology, which improves their assimilation and favors its tolerability profile (reduces their side effects) because its components are directly absorbed in the intestine.

Its antioxidant property favors the reduction of the matrix cells of the egg that arise in other areas of the body.

Levedol is also effective in reducing the pain associated with menstruation.

Technical description

N-acetilcisteína, Ácido Alfa-lipóico, Bromelina, Zinc.

Pharmaceutical review

Tomar de forma continua durante tres meses. Se puede reanudar la toma tras 10 días de descanso.

Mode of use

2 cápsulas al día.

Tomar una por la mañana y una por la noche.

Aunque tienen la misma composición recomendamos tomar la transparentes por el día y la verdes y transparente para la noche, para evitar olvidos en las tomas.

Question about Levedol 60 capsules

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Es seguro tomar levedol durantr el primer trimestre del embarazo?
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Customer Reviews of Levedol 60 capsules

Mejora mis síntomas de endometriosis
He estado tomando Levedol por varios meses y hasta el momento mis reglas y dolores han ido disminuyendo, también lo estoy alternando con una mejor alimentación. Espero mejores resultados!!!!
Review by Mar / (Posted on 02/06/2017)
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