Sage essential oil helps fight bacteria in the urinary tract, the digestive system and excretory system.
It is also used for relief of menopause discomfort, menstrual pain and regular menstrual cycles.
It helps to treat symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Regulates blood pressure.
Help healthy digestion.
Applied to the skin, fight acne.
The spectrum of essential oils with natural Soria has been subjected to the most rigorous quality control: microbiological analysis, analysis of pesticides and pesticide residues, residues of heavy metals, radioactivity and analysis research analysis of the stability of the active principles. oil of Salvia Soria natural 15 ml<p>Sage essential oil helps fight bacteria in the urinary tract, the digestive system and excretory system.</p><p> It is also used for relief of menopause discomfort, menstrual pain and regular menstrual cycles.</p><p> It helps to treat symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.</p><p> Regulates blood pressure.</p><p> Help healthy digestion.</p><p> Applied to the skin, fight acne.</p><p> The spectrum of essential oils with natural Soria has been subjected to the most rigorous quality control: microbiological analysis, analysis of pesticides and pesticide residues, residues of heavy metals, radioactivity and analysis research analysis of the stability of the active principles.</p>,width:250,height:2508.99instock13.478.1727262727273334.48Soria Natural Oils/Special Promotion2024-09-16T05:41:51+0000