
Dr Browns bottle 60ml standard

DrBrowns - 1 pcs
8.99 £ / 1 ud

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Product details

  • Description

    Standard bottle, mouth close, free of BPA manufactured Dr. Brown s.

    The Dr Brown s bottles have an exclusive patented ventilation system complete, allowing air to enter the bottle through a valve in the nozzle, placing it behind the milk, preventing the baby to swallow it and mixing with milk thus maintaining all its vitamins to reduce oxidation of the same and infant colic.

    In addition, to prevent the formation of vacuum inside the bottle and oral cavity of the baby, it decreases the risk of Otitis media by the accumulation of fluid in the tubes of the baby esutaquio.

    60ml capacity

    Consejo técnico
    Questo biberon è ideale da abbinare all'allattamento al seno.
  • Key details

    • Unit price 8.99 £ / 1 ud
    • Brand DrBrowns
    • PVP 10,33
  • Composition

    Polipropilene senza bisfenolo A. Senza ftalati, senza piombo né PVC.
  • How to use

    Quando si prepara il biberon con il latte in formula, evitare di agitarlo per evitare la creazione di bolle d'aria e ridurre le coliche e i gas del bambino.

    L'ideale è preparare il composto con un cucchiaio o mescolandolo in una bottiglia tra le mani.

(3 Opinions)
Ya los use con mi hija hace casi 5 años y es genial para reducir los colicos
Me gusta por ser pequeño poque le puedo dar las medicinas si no se las toma directamente
Irina Monica
Ya conocia el biberon desde hace 4 años. Es lo mejor para reducir la cantidad de aire que ingesta el.bebe. añadire tambien el buen precio de la web

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