Mam Pacifier Supreme Night Neutral Silicone Pacifier 2-6 m

Mam Pacifier Supreme Night Neutral Silicone Pacifier 2-6 m

Availability: In stock

Pacifier with silicone nipple for babies between 2-6 months, specially designed to prevent tooth misalignment. Plus, it glows in the dark so you can easily find it.

Regular Price: £11.90

Special Price £9.64


Mam Pacifier Supreme Night Neutral Silicone Pacifier 2-6 m

Pacifier with silicone nipple for babies between 2-6 months, specially designed to prevent tooth misalignment.

It has a nipple 60% thinner and 4 times more flexible than other pacifiers on the market. (1)

In this way, it leaves space for the teeth so that they can develop naturally, preventing them from coming out crooked.

Plus, the pacifier shield button and glows in the dark and recharges in daylight. This way it is much easier to find at night.

The shield has large holes that allow the skin of the little ones to breathe, so that there is no irritation around the mouth.

The nipple is made of a silicone that mimics the mother's skin, and has a 94% acceptance rate by babies. (2)

Symmetrical shield and nipple, always well placed in the baby's mouth.

The pacifier comes with an exclusive self-sterilizing box included.

(1) Scientific reports from the Wild-Hi-Precision Institute verify: the neck of the MAM Perfect pacifier teat used in the MAM Supreme pacifier is on average 60% thinner; A series of tests from the Vienna University Dental Clinic confirm: it is also on average 4 times more flexible than the pacifiers with which it was compared. (Between 32% - 83% thinner / 1.1 - 19.5 times more flexible (than normal silicone pacifiers).

(2) Market study: 2010-2019, carried out with 1,463 babies.
