Caudalie Vinosource cream sorbet moisturizer 40 ml

Caudalie Vinosource cream sorbet moisturizer 40 ml

Availability: In stock

Gel cream for sensitive skin

Regular Price: £23.90

Special Price £22.26


Caudalie Vinosource cream sorbet moisturizer 40 ml

"This gel-cream soothes instantly and long-lasting.

Reactive mechanisms of hydration of the skin and restores its water reserves.

Strengthened, the skin recovers comfort and flexibility. "


Sensitive skin


Main ingredients:

Water biological grape, camomile & antioxidant polyphenols

Cosmetic caudalie:

Why is grape water only? "Every spring, vine fills the grapes of a vegetable water rich in trace elements, vitamins and polysaccharides moisturizing." - Mathilde Thomas, Caudalie founder

How to use:

Apply morning and night, face and neck.

The Trick Vinotherapist:

The beauty of the Vinotherapist Council:

"If you want to enjoy an intense freshness when applied, save the sorbet moisturizing cream in the refrigerator."


Customer Reviews

Muy buena crema Review by Maria
Es una crema perfecta, tiene una textura muy agradable y es perfecta para mi piel (grasa). Hidrata y no aporta grasa. (Posted on 23/11/2017)
buenísima para pieles sensibles Review by mariajo
Es una gozada de crema. Notas que hidrata muchísimo sin aportar nada de grasa. También notas que la piel descansa. Perfecta para pieles sensibles como la mía. (Posted on 15/11/2017)